Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Registered Investment Advisor?

A Registered Investment Advisor is any person that meets the definition of Investment Advisor under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and is registered with either their state or the SEC. NUKU Asset Inc. is a Registered Investment Advisor and is registered with the SEC.

What are the management fees and any other costs?

We charge a management fee based on the amount of assets under management. There are no other fees, and we do not normally utilize investments that have their own management fees, such as mutual or other funds. In addition, we do not receive any compensation from third-parties during the course of managing the assets in your account.

Is there a minimum required account opening balance?

The minimum opening acccount balance is $50,000.

How are my investments chosen?

Investments are first identified by our own in-house research team that is dedicated to identifying attractive investments. We then use our own system of patent-pending computer algorithms to match the investments that are most ideally suited to meeting the needs of your financial plan. This system assesses many things, such as growth potential and industry diversification, to ensure the best assets are chosen.

What methodology does NUKU use in selecting investments?

NUKU’s research group looks for opportunities in growing companies as well as companies that offer investments that can safely offer attractive returns through dividend or interest payments. We do follow a value-oriented Graham-Dodd methodology when selecting investments.

How often will you buy or sell my investments?

We actively manage accounts and will buy and sell investments whenever we determine that a new asset allocation is appropriate. For an existing account, this can be due to changes in market prices (beyond certain thresholds) and changes in our opinions on the investments held within the account or identification of more suitable investments for an account.

Can I close my account at any time?

Yes. You can close your account at any time. Management fees will be prorated up to the date of closure.

Is NUKU regulated?

NUKU Asset Inc. is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission as an Investment Advisor. Visit SEC Investment Advisor Public Disclosure >

Where are my assets held?

Your assets are held with Interactive Brokers LLC, and independent custodian that will also provide account statements and tax documents. Interactive Brokers is a FINRA registered Broker-Dealer and all accounts are covered by SIPC insurance. Read more about Custody at Interactive Brokers.

Is my account protected?

Accounts are covered by SIPC and excess insurance provide by our custodian, Interactive Brokers. Learn more about SIPC and our excess overage.

Why are my investments changing?

Our system is regularly analyzing your account and will make adjustments to your holdings based on requirements in your Plan, price movements, and whenever we think an investment is better, or no longer, suitable for your account.